Air Fryer Salmon with Broccoli and Brussels Sprout Salad

May 04, 2024

This is one of the quickest and healthiest regular weeknight meals- it’s an adapted version of a recipe we used to make often in a skillet, but using a 2 layer air fryer.

  • 2 servings
  • 5 mins
  • 30 mins
  • 35 mins
  • Ingredients

    • 2 6 oz fillets salmon, or striped bass with skin on
    • olive oil
    • salt and pepper
    • 1 lb. Brussels sprouts
    • 1 head Broccoli
    • 1 Onion, diced
    • Lemon
    • Garlic Powder
    • 3 cloves Garlic, minced
    This recipe can be suitable for the following restricted diets:
    • DASH
    • Low Carb


    • Air Fryer


    1. Let the fillets come to room temperature for about 10 minutes and pat dry. Salt and pepper the salmon fillets on both sides.
    2. Trim the loose leaves from the brussels sprouts.
    3. Cut the broccoli into florets and trim the stalk into small even pieces.
    4. Toss the broccoli, onion, and brussels sprouts in olive oil with minced garlic, pepper, salt, and garlic powder.
    5. Roast the brussels sprouts and broccoli in the bottom basket of an air fryer at 450 for 20 minutes. Shake halfway through.
    6. Add the salmon to the top layer, skin side down and air fry at 400 degrees for 8 minutes, flipping the skin side up halfway through.
    7. Finish the salmon by switching to broil mode for 2 minutes.
    8. Optionally, you can Toss the vegetables in a simple dressing of mustard, olive oil, and soy sauce.
    9. Serve the salmon with the roasted vegetables on the side.

    This recipe was adapted from:

      Written by Will Chiong who lives and works in New York building useful things.